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4M - Creative Craft - Make a Windchime

Everyone loves wind chimes and now you can make your very own! Fun to paint and easy to assemble. When the breeze passes through the chime rods make musical sounds....
Arts and CraftTOYS

4M - KidzMaker - Tie Dye Art Kit

Easy-to-do tie-dye kit for kids and beginners. Great fun and easy-to-use! Make t-shirts, towels, bags in a wonderful array of colours and designs. Instructions show how to make 8 different...
Arts and CraftTOYS

4M - Scientific Discovery Experiment Kit

The 4M Scientific Discovery Kit is a comprehensive STEM/STEAM kit, full of fascinating experiments!Perform tabletop volcanic eruptions, build a clock powered by lemon, make a square bubble, drive a magnetic...
Arts and CraftTOYS

4M Cross Stitch Kit

Fun Craftswork you can enjoy for a lifetime. This kit introduces you to the basic skills of cross-stitch and shows you how to make a tote bag. Ages 8+
Arts and CraftTOYS

4M Crystal Growing Experimental Kit

Conduct 7 different crystal growing experiments from this one fabulous kit. Display the different crystals in the specially designed cases. Ages 14+
Arts and CraftTOYS

4M Glow in the Dark Mini Stars

Contains 60 glow mini stars and double sided adhesive tape.  18cm x 13cm 
Arts and CraftTOYS

4M Glow in the Dark Solar System & stars

Stick them to your walls or ceiling and create your very own 3D solar system in your bedroom! Contains 1 complete solar system and double sided adhesive tape.  19cm x...

4M Glow in the Dark Unicorns

Stick these glow-in-the-dark unicorns on the walls or ceiling.  Fill your room with glow  unicorns and turn it into a fantasy wonderland. Expose the unicorns to a light source for...
Arts and CraftTOYS

4M Kidz Robotix Bubble Robot

Non-stop bubble-blowing machine. Fill the tray with bubble solution and watch me blow bubbles!You can also remove the bubble wand to blow bubbles yourself.Contains 1 set plastic part and accessories, bubble...

4M Kidzlab - Cosmic Rocket

Make up your rocket and decorate it with the included stickers. Simply add baking powder and vinegar, then watch it shoot up in the sky about 10 metres high. This...

4M KidzLabs - Hologram Projector

Learn the theory behind the magical 3D hologram and impress your friends with 3D images! Observe 3D images come to life. A great toy to use in the dark! Age...

4M KidzLabs - Kaleidoscope Making Kit

Build your own kaleidoscope. Create millions of dazzling patterns by filling in different trinkets into the object chamber. Make a 25cm long colour changing kaleidoscope, mystic glow kaleidoscope, geometric pattern...
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